in mhyyyyy hooooommmeee toooowwwwnnnnn...

The above title in deference to Tom Lerher (please forgive!! (grin))
Where do we rank?
St. Louisans have risky sex, but we're well-read. - We drink a lot, but we're lousy tailgaters. - We have dirty air but great-tasting water. - Magazines, universities and think tanks everywhere love to rate cities in just about any category you can imagine. - Where
1- Gonorrhea and chlamydia
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006
The CDC compiled infection rates of STDs among independent cities and counties.
1- Best Tasting City Water in
Hundreds of mayors conducted a blind taste test of tap water for taste, clarity and aroma. Who knew the
2 - Most affordable large metropolitan area in the country
National Association of Home Builders, 2006
2 - Most dangerous city
Milken Institute, 2007
Based on statistics in six crime categories: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft.
4 - Most Affordable Places To Live Well
Forbes magazine, 2007
Cities were ranked according to housing affordability, cost of living, quality of life and best arts and leisure offerings.
4 - Most Courteous Cities (
In The Driver's Seat Road Rage Survey, commissioned by AutoVantage, 2007
Road rage was defined as an angry or upset driver, including out-of-control drivers and drivers who lose their temper, or bad or aggressive driving, including careless and/or rude driving, cutting into lanes, cutting people off, tailgating, speeding and/or honking, talking on the cell phone, or going too slow in the fast lane.
6 - Spring allergy capitals
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of
A look at the 100 most challenging places to live with spring allergies based on seasonal pollen counts, allergy medicine use per patient and the number of board-certified allergists per patient.
7 - Most Affordable
Forbes magazine, August 2007
The two determining factors were looking at how many years of gross salary the median household would have to spend to buy the median house, and tracking the percentage of homes sold in the first quarter that were affordable to the median income-earning household.
9 - Best
Worldwide ERC and Primacy Relocation, 2007
The study looked at large metro areas and was based on factors such as cost of living, crime rates, education, climate, arts and culture, diversity and number of physicians per capita.
11 - Drunkest City
Forbes Magazine, 2006
35 cities were ranked in five areas: state laws, number of drinkers, number of heavy drinkers, number of binge drinkers and alcoholism.
12 - Most literate city
Jack Miller, President of
Study of major cities (minimum 250,000 population) looking at newspaper circulation, number of bookstores, library resources, periodical publishing resources, educational attainment and online resources.
14 -
Forbes magazine, June 2007
Based on businesses that call
18 - Smartest place to live
Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine, 2006
50 cities were ranked based on criteria of median home price, cost of living, economic vitality, education, health care, local arts scene and recreational facilities.
24 - Most Ozone-Polluted Cities
American Lung Associated, State of the Air: 2006
27 - Best city for singles
Forbes Magazine, 2008
The 40 largest
30 - Best Football Tailgating City
The Bachelor Guy, 2008
Rated the 32 cities with NFL teams. Criteria included: stadium parking lots (sizes, fees, accessibility, hours of operation, special facilities and programs for tailgaters), overall tailgating environment and tailgating-fan enthusiasm.
36 - Sweatiest city in
Old Spice, 2007
Computer simulations of the amount of sweat a person of average height and weight would produce walking around for an hour in each city's average high temperature during June, July and August.
94 - 100 Best & Worst Cities for Men
Men's Health, 2007
A comparison of top metro areas in health, happiness and abs. Based on 24 categories, including data on cancer, heart disease, stroke, annual income, daily commute, crime rates, college graduation rates, how often, long and intensely men exercise.
Researched by Mark Learman 314-340-8120
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