some of my favorites....

1. favorite book of all time -- and why -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams and Johnathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach Why, the first one's the all time funniest book I have ever read, and continue to this day to re-read whenever I get down, and the other because its so darn uplifting...
2. favorite food -- Americanized Chinese as they serve in Springfield, MO at Bamboo Inn....I could live on it forever, but trust me, it wouldnt make me live forever I can tell ya...
3. most favorite tv show of all time -- Star Trek (all incarnations) or Police Squad! And the aforementioned Hitchhikers Guide...but this new BSG has me going pretty good...
4. favorite cartoon character -- Pepe LePew, the animated equivlent of unrequited love.
5. Favorite movie star -- Harrison Ford
6. Favorite body part of the opposite sex -- Eyes, if not eyes, then legs...
7. Is there a movie that always makes you cry no matter how many times you have seen it -- Field of Dreams and Testament (that movie ruined one of my favorite Beatles' songs for me)
8. favorite musician -- Bob Dylan
9. favorite drink -- non alcoholic Pepsi, alcoholic long island tea
10. favorite poet -- Edgar Allen Poe
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